Cross-Site Scripting attack XSS

Cross-Site Scripting Attack 

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                                 "One of the major attack victors of all time"

what is XSS attack ?

XSS attacks enable attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users 


Major types of XSS:

XSS vulnerabilities come in various forms and may be divided into three varieties: reflected, stored, and DOM-based. Although these have several features in common, they also have important differences in how they can be identified and exploited. We will examine each variety of XSS in turn 

Reflected XSS:
it is those where the injected script is reflected off the web server such as in an error message, search result , or any response  that include inputs sent to the server as part of the request, Reflected attacks are delivered to victims via another route ,  this type activated  when victim or our visitor is clicking on link or just browsing to a malicious site the injected code travels to the vulnerable web site, which reflects the attack back to the user’s browser. The browser then executes the code because it came from a “trusted” server 

  • Exploit URL:<script>alert('XSS')</script>&x=0&y=0

  • HTML returned to victim:
<div id="pageTitleTxt"> <h2><span class="highlight">Search Results</span><br/> Search:"<script>alert('XSS')</script>"</h2>


stored xss : 

Stored attacks are those where the injected script is permanently stored on the target servers, such as in a database, in a message forum, log in comment field, etc. The victim then retrieves the malicious script from the server when it requests the stored information 

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first what is DOM:


Both reflected and stored XSS vulnerabilities involve a specific pattern of behavior, in which the application takes user-controllable data and displays this back tousers in an unsafe way. A third category of XSS vulnerabilities does not share this characteristic


  1. The attacker embeds a malicious script in the URL:<script>SomeFunction(somevariable)</script>.
  1. The victim’s browser sends HTTP request and receives the static HTML page.
  2.  The browser starts building the DOM of the page
  3. The browser parses the HTML page, reaches the script, and runs it, extracting the malicious content from the document.URL property.
  1. The browser finds the JavaScript code in the HTML body and executes it.

Protect your WA from injection:

➢ Validate Input 
Letters in a number field ?
10 digits for 4 digit year field?
Careful with < > " ' and =
Whitelist (e.g. /[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,20}/)

What can you do with JavaScript?
Pop-up alerts and prompts
Access/Modify DOM
Access cookies/session tokens
Detect installed programs
Detect browser history
Capture keystrokes (and other trojan functionality)
Port scan the local network

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