Learn hacking step by step



Learn Hacking 

I would suggest these two books for beginners and my sections on cybersecurity click here : first link // second link 

hello and welcome to CTF-guide

  You may try to learn  Hacking , but you cannot find the best source, the best 

course or it is expensive But you have a love to learn piracy  So you are in the best  place.

  This post is for absolute beginners who qualify for these below:
  •     No experience with Cyber security (hacking)
  •     Limited experience
  •     Those that just can’t catch a break   
  • in Hacking or cyber security we can talk about :

  • cryptography 
  • ...
and other ...

if don't know anything about this then don't worry we all start like this 

What is hacking?

   Hacking refers to activities that seek to compromise digital devices, such as

computers, smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks. And while hacking

might not always be for malicious purposes, nowadays most references to

hacking, and hackers, characterize it/them as unlawful activity by cybercriminals

motivated by financial gain, protest, information gathering (spying), and even

just for the “fun” of the challenge and for that we have many types of hackers

  • ethical hacker - White hat
  •  classical hacker, the opposite of the ethical one - Black hat
  • a mix of the two above, get’s unauthorized access but also reveals the weakness to the company - Grey hat
  • a hacker with no technical skills who just uses pre-made tools - Script kiddie
  • a person who hacks for some idea and leaves a message -Hacktivist

  the goal of ethical hacker show the weakness of program of device to company

to fix it the goal of ethical hacker is to reveal system weaknesses and show it to

the company in order to fix it. Also, he documents everything he did.


skills need it 

  The main skill that is required is to be willing to constantly learn new things on 

the fly, or quickly at home. This is essential in order to be good at hacking.

 Second, you need a strong foundational understanding of at leas one coding or 

scripting language. Also, you’re required to have well-understanding of Network 

and Web security.  " the second link abouve can help you" 

                  ⧫ Learn how to code/programming

                  ⧫ Understand basic concepts of OS (Operating system)

                  ⧫ Basics of Networking and Security

                  ⧫ Markup and as many technologies as you can!

Resource to get you started

 In order to “complete” this article and make it easy for you to advance, I’d like

to share some resources i found best in learning from scratch.Husainfareed

created a Github repository with a lot of resources you can learn from.

Check it out here.

You should really consider practicing your skills on these website below:

                    ⧫ itsecgames

                    ⧫ dvwa

                    ⧫ vulnerablewebapps

                    ⧫ github.com

                    ⧫ webappsecurity

                    ⧫ crackme
                  demo testfire

                    ⧫  owasp

and for more information  Hackerone  

finally i would to say for beginner it’s best to start off from the basics. Instead of learning directly how to hack, you have to begin to explore topics such as:
  • Computer networks
  • Network ports
  • Firewalls
  • Common network protocols like IP addresses

       Good luck and keep learning

 some articles to learn 





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